Culture Francia

Table of Contents

8 Things to Do in Orange

Table of Contents

What to See & Do

Orange Overall Appeal ★★☆☆☆

  Name Appeal Type Visit Cost
01 Antique Theater ★★★☆☆ Roman Theater Self Paid
02 St. Eutrope Park ★★★☆☆ Park + Panorama Self Free
03 Triumphal Arch


Roman Arch Outside Free
04 Notre-Dame Cathedral ★☆☆☆☆ Cathedral Self Free
05 Town Center ★☆☆☆☆ Walking Around Self Free
06 Food Market ★☆☆☆☆ Food Market Self Free
07 Art & History Museum ★☆☆☆☆ Museum - Art & History Self Paid
08 St. Florent Church ★☆☆☆☆ Church Self Free

01. Antique Theater

Appeal ★★★☆☆
Type Roman Theater

Visit Self
Cost Paid

The Antique Theater of Orange is an impressive Roman structure that dates back to the 1st century AD and could accommodate up to 10,000 spectators for the artistic events of the time. This Roman amphitheater is the best-preserved in the world. It measures 103m – 338ft wide and 37m – 121ft high.

Falling into decline with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it was restored in the 19th century, leading to its current status as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

It is now used as a venue for concerts and other artistic events.

02. St. Eutrope Park

Appeal ★★★☆☆
Type Park + Panorama

Visit Self
Cost Free

The Parc Saint-Eutrope is situated on a hill, elevated above the rest of the city. The northernmost part of the park, located just behind the antique theater, offers a vast panoramic view of the theater as well as the city and the surrounding area.

The park is closed during concerts at the antique theater.

03. Triumphal Arch

Appeal ★★☆☆☆
Type Roman Arch

Visit Outside only
Cost Free

This Roman Arch, located outside the city center, was built in the 1st century AD.

It was restored in the 19th century and more recently in the 21st century, which has contributed to its excellent state of preservation.

04. Food Market

Appeal ★★☆☆☆
Type Food Market

Visit Self
Cost Free

The large food market in Orange takes place on Thursday mornings at various squares and streets in the town center.

05. Notre-Dame Cathedral

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Cathedral

Visit Self
Cost Free

Built in the 12th century, the cathedral has undergone numerous renovations and restorations due to damage over the centuries. It is in the Romanesque style.

06. Town Center

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Walking Around

Visit Self
Cost Free

The heart of Orange is pleasant for a casual stroll, wandering through its few squares and pedestrian streets.

07. Art & History Museum

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Art & History Museum

Visit Self
Cost Paid

This small museum houses a collection of artifacts and artworks related to the town’s past. Its collection spans several centuries, with exhibits ranging from Roman relics to 19th-century paintings.

It is located in a 17th-century mansion.

08. St. Florent Church

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Church

Visit Self
Cost Free

A small church from the 14th century, later restored in the 16th century. It is in the Romanesque style.

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