Culture Francia

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9 Things to Do in Riquewihr

Table of Contents

What to See & Do

Riquewihr Overall Appeal ★★★★★

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Overview Table

  Name Appeal Type Visit Cost
01 Village Itself ★★★★★

Walking Around

Self Free

Viewpoints North



Self Free
03 Viewpoint West ★★★☆☆ Panorama Self Free
04 Dolder Tower ★★★☆☆

Panorama + Museum

Self Paid
05 Tourist Train ★★☆☆☆ Tourist Train Tour Paid
06 St. Marguerite Protestant Church ★☆☆☆☆ Church Self Free
07 St. Marguerite Catholic Church ★☆☆☆☆ Church Self Free
08 Thieves Tower + Vintner House ★☆☆☆☆ Museum - Torture Self Paid
09 Food Market ★☆☆☆☆ Food Market Self Free

01. Village Itself

Appeal ★★★★★
Type Walking Around

Visit Self
Cost Free

Riquewihr is a charming medieval village in Alsace, renowned for its typical Alsatian beauty and rich heritage. It is surrounded by vineyards and stands out for its colorful half-timbered houses, cobblestone streets, and the remains of its ramparts. Riquewihr has changed very little over the centuries, and its picturesque atmosphere attracts many visitors.

02. Viewpoints North

Appeal ★★★★☆
Type Panoramas

Visit Self
Cost Free or Paid

Just north of Riquewihr, two nearby viewpoints with informational signs offer a panoramic view of the village and surrounding vineyards.

These two viewpoints provide a relatively similar panorama.

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03. Viewpoint West

Appeal ★★★☆☆
Type Panorama

Visit Self
Cost Free

Northwest of Riquewihr, at the edge of the forest, there is a viewpoint offering a panoramic view of the village and surrounding vineyards from a different angle.

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04. Dolder Tower

Appeal ★★★☆☆
Type Panorama + Local History Museum

Visit Self
Cost Paid

This ancient watchtower, originally from the 13th century, rises to 25 meters and is the highest point in the village, offering a panoramic view of it and its surroundings.

The interior of the tower houses a small museum dedicated to the local history of Riquewihr from the 13th to the 17th century.

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05. Tourist Train

Appeal ★★☆☆☆
Type Tourist Train

Visit Tour
Cost Paid

The tourist train offers a pleasant and fun way to explore this picturesque village and its surroundings. It allows visitors to tour Riquewihr while learning about its history through audio commentary.

The train also takes passengers through the surrounding vineyards, providing a panoramic view of the nearby vines.

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06. St. Marguerite Protestant Church

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Church

Visit Self
Cost Free

This Protestant church dates back to the 19th century and features a neoclassical style.

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07. St. Marguerite Catholic Church

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Church

Visit Self
Cost Free

This Catholic church dates back to the 19th century and features a Neo-Romanesque style.

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08. Thieves Tower + Vintner House

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Torture Museum + House Museum

Visit Self
Cost Paid

This defensive tower from the 13th century also served as a place of justice and a prison.

It houses an authentic former torture chamber, where its items are now on display.

The tower connects to an old winemaker’s house, which is now a house museum showcasing its former state.

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09. Food Market

Appeal ★☆☆☆☆
Type Food Market

Visit Self
Cost Free

The village’s small food market takes place on Friday mornings in Place Fernand Zeyer square.

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⚙️ Visitor Info (French)

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